Click [Legislation Database] on the homepage to enter the Individual Section Mode.
Click the [Whole Enactment Mode] button at the Selection Menu to enter the Whole Enactment Mode.
The right frame will display the list of current Laws starting at Chapter 1. The system will present a list of 30 rows to you. You can click the [Next List] or [Previous List] button to scroll over or back.
To view a complete list of the titles of an Ordinance and of all items of Sub. Leg. made under it, click on the title of the Ordinance.
You can also get the list by entering the chapter number of the Ordinance at the Selection Menu and then clicking the [Enter] button. Please note that you cannot enter the chapter number for Sub. Leg. directly. You have to enter the chapter number of the Ordinance first to get the list of the titles of the Ordinance and of all items of Sub. Leg. made under it.
To view the complete text of an Ordinance or Sub. Leg., click on the title of the Ordinance or Sub. Leg. A full list of the section headings of the Ordinance or Sub. Leg. will be displayed. Then click the [Select All] and [View] buttons. (To view multiple provisions of an Ordinance or Sub. Leg., highlight the selected provisions by clicking your mouse with the [Ctrl] or [Shift] keys and then click the [View] button.)
If you have selected too many provisions or the total file size of the provisions selected is too large, your access may be timed out as the system takes a very long time to process your request. In this case, you need to split your selection and try again. Therefore, if you wish to view the complete text of a lengthy enactment (for example, the Companies Ordinance (Cap. 32) or the Import and Export (Strategic Commodities) Regulations (Cap. 60 sub. leg. G)), you need to divide and view the enactment in parts.
The list of provisions selected and their contents will be displayed at the right frame. You can use the print and save functions of your web browsers to print or save them.
Due to technical limitations, the contents of provisions that contain images or are heavily formatted (e.g. tables and forms) cannot be displayed properly. To view the contents of a provision as displayed in the Individual Section Mode, please click the [Back to Individual Section Format] button of that provision.
To go to another Ordinance, repeat step 5. Alternatively, you can click the [Back to List of Laws] button at the top right hand corner and use the [Next List] or [Previous List] button to scroll over or back the List of Laws until you see the title of the Ordinance displayed.