- Click [Legislation Database] on the homepage to enter the Individual Section Mode.
At the right frame, you will see the [List of Laws]. If you have not made any choice under the Selection Menu, the default list shown will be the current version of English Ordinances and Subsidiary Legislation ("Sub. Leg."). It starts at Chapter 1.
- Under the Selection Menu, you can make these selection options –Select laws - [Ordinances], [Sub. Leg.] or [Ord. & Sub. Leg.]Select language - [English] or [Chinese]Select version - [Current] or [Current & Past]There is also a field called [Go to Chapter row]. You can enter the chapter number of the chapter that you would like to browse to display that chapter or other chapters with approximate numbers (a row number is approximately the same as a chapter number). For instance, if you want to view Chapter 30, you can enter 30 in the input box. Then click the [Enter] button and the list on the right frame will change accordingly.
- The system will present a list of 30 rows to you.
- To view the previous or next 30 rows, you can click the [Previous List] or [Next List] button respectively.
- To see the headings of individual sections of a particular Ordinance or Sub. Leg., you can click the little triangle (called a twistie, []) at the left of the title of an Ordinance or Sub. Leg. Alternatively, you can click on the [Expand All] button at the top or bottom of the page to see the headings of individual sections on the page.
- If you have selected "Current & Past" in the Selection Menu, you may see a twistie [] at the left of the heading of an individual section. It means that this section has more than one version. If you click the twistie, you will "expand" this section and you can see all versions (as at different dates) of this section.
- If an Ordinance has more than 30 sections, you have to click the [Next List] button several times to view the remaining sections. If you want to view a particular section of an Ordinance, you can also make use of the first search form of the Advanced Search (Search for section(s) or enactment(s)). For details, please refer to Part 4.